martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Visit Costa Rica

Costa Rica vacations, tours tailored, offers and promotions all year

Costa Rica is known worldwide for its high biodiversity and exotic natural beauty: mountains, beaches, forests, virgin rainforests, volcanoes and abundant wildlife are part of it.
We created this site with the idea of providing all the information you need for your trip Costa Rica, in it you will find a variety of tourist packages, tours a day, information about national parks, beaches, nature reserves and an excellent selection of hotels distinas areas in the country.

In Costa Rica you can enjoy beaches, adventure, nature, family travel, relax and much more. We invite you to contact us and we are confident that together we can achieve the perfect itinerary for an unforgettable holiday in Costa Rica. We offer special rates for green season that will let you know the best tourist destinations in the country with promotional prices.

Learn more about our country by visiting our Picasa album with over 750 pictures of our clients enjoy the best of Costa Rica

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