viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

vist dormund

it is one of the largest cities in Germany, was first mentioned in the ninth century. Back then it was called Trotmani and was a well known trade center. In the seventeenth century Dortmund suffered greatly during the Thirty Years' War, however, was restored quickly and occupies a leading position economic and political plan.

This city with such an interesting history has always been attractive for travelers, here many monuments, old buildings were preserved, and have recently been raised many entertainment centers and complexes comfortable hotels. The most curious is the old city, where one can walk around the neighborhoods built in the XVIII-XIX centuries, see the churches and cathedrals of earlier times and relax in one of the picturesque squares, tasting dishes in a restaurant.
Most buildings preserved to this day has religious value: the church of San Ewald, Pastor Cathedral and the church of San Pedro's most beautiful old buildings are considered. Are popular excursions to the coking plant "Ganza" and Zollern mines. Today all these industrial complexes are retrofitted to a museum before brought much fame to the city and gave him high economic positions.

Speaking of the peculiarities of Dortmund should be noted the presence of a quite extraordinary transport - buses large two story, which circulate in the streets. The ride on a bus will bring you many impressions and can enjoy magnificent landscapes. In the city there are several museums, each keeps a priceless historical collections. Without fail you must visit the Industrial Museum, stroll around the Old Market and enter the museum brewery, which will tell you some interesting things about this traditional frothy drink.

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