viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Visit Cabo Verde

Dark blue flag with two horizontal stripes of white and red. Has 10 yellow stars of five ends each, forming a circle.

4,033 km2.
Cape Verde is an archipelago of volcanic origin-submarine, included among the five Atlantic archipelagos of Macaronesia, located 600 Km. From the coast of Senegal, West Africa. The archipelago comprises ten islands, nine of which are inhabited and eight islets. The islands are divided into two groups, Balavento and Sotavento. In the first group are the islands of San Vicente, San Antonio, St. Nicholas, St. Lucia, Sal and Buenavista, along with the smaller islands of Branco and Raso. The second group comprises the islands of Santiago, Maio, Fogo and Brava, along with the smaller King and Rombo. The islands, with high cliffs of red and thirsty land, have heights of up to 2,800 meters, the highest peak is Pico de Cano, an active volcano of Fogo, and golden beaches next to a sea of turquoise. The flora is not abundant in the islands, but you can find acacia tree that Cape Verdeans used to try to give the green islands they had years ago. On the island of St. Nicholas can find Dracena, symbol of the country. The wild fauna is not abundant, but on the seabed can find all kinds of species such as whales, sharks, dolphins, moray eels, turtles, etc, thanks to the purity of water.
470,000 inhabitants.
The official language is Portuguese, but the Kriolu (Creole) was spoken by most people. A little English and French are also spoken.
The Kriolu Cape Verde emerged in the fifteenth century as a result of the slave trade on the West African coast. Initially the business was conducted in Portuguese. Africans enslaved by the Portuguese were driven to Cape Verde and thus Kriolu was enriched in concepts and structures of the languages of the many Africans who were brought to the islands. After the end of the slave trade, the Portuguese remained the language of empire and colonial culture Kriolu use became a sign of social inferiority. However, for many workers and intellectuals became an element of cultural resistance to Portuguese colonialism. After independence the Portuguese remained the official language of Cape Verde, used in schools and in the press. The Kriolu is regarded as the national language and its use by grassroots organizations, trade unions and children's programs in the media has grown enormously, although not the language normalization process that unifies the oral and written language have yet been made. For example Kriolu San Antonio significantly differs from that of Brava.
Republic of single party. The Movement for Democracy, MPD, won the last elections with 59% of the votes and won 51 seats in the National Assembly (Parliament). The African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde, PAICV, won 21% of the vote and 20 seats. The Democratic Party Convergent PCD, won 6% of the votes and 1 seat. The Independent Democratic Association and Cape Verde, UCID and the Social Democrats, PSD, Party won 1% of the vote and no seats in Parliament. The National Assembly (Parliament) consists of 72 members who administer the legislature and elected every five years. Currently the President of Cape Verde Antonio Mascarenhas Monteiro is.
Cape Verde has no direct representation in Spain having entrusted their interests in our country to the Embassy in Lisbon.
Av. Do Restelo, Lisboa 33 1400
Tel .: (351 1) 301.52.71 and 301.52.73 - Telex: 13766
Fax: (351 1) 301.53.08
San Antonio, Santiago, Brava, Fogo, Maio, San Nicolas, Sal, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Buenavista.
Almost the entire population is Catholic (95%) but there is a Protestant minority.
In 1460, Antonio and Bartolomeo de Noli, Genoese in the service of Portugal browsers, claiming the Cape Verde Islands. The islands were officially described as uninhabited, but the islands may have been visited by fishermen Moors or Wolof, Serer or Lebu Coast of Guinea. History suggests that Arabs and Phoenicians were also able to visit Centuries before Europeans.

Cape Verde was officially discovered in 1460 by the Portuguese navigator Diego Gomes. Until then, the islands were not on sea charts, but as a result of trade with Latin Portuguese think of them as an ideal place for supplying their ships had to cross the direction Atlantic to the West Indies, and so soon were used as base support the spice route, boaters expected across the African continent. Over time they became a commercial basis of some importance to arriving adventurers, artisans and some nobles, with slaves captured in Guinea and Senegal, which soon made contact with the powerful kingdoms of West Africa who exchanged gold and slaves fabrics, manufacturing and weapons. Thus began a long chain of interbreeding, over five centuries, which led to the current population. Were also established slave who created deposits of slaves to supply the ships that arrived in the archipelago and cane sugar, whose cultivation was introduced slaves were careful. At that time many famous sailors passed by Cabo Verde: in 1947 Vasco de Gama, Christopher Columbus in 1948 and in 1522 the Victoria ship of Magellan's fleet docked in the port of Santiago. During the seventeenth century commercial relations were developed and Ribeira Grande, Ciudade currently Velha, in Santiago, lived, thanks to the slave trade despite frequent attacks by English and French pirates, their heyday. The nineteenth century was marked by severe droughts, some true natural disasters. The 1864 was the worst, with over thirty thousand dead. Following the emigration became common in the archipelago. It began in the late eighteenth century, when American whaling ships used to stop at Brava to recruit sailors. Working conditions on board were very hard and low wages, so that on landing the most no longer returned to boarding.

Thus began the major Cape Verdean colony that exists today in New England. After the Second World War emigration was oriented towards Europe: France, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Luxembourg, etc. For those who remained in the islands was among limited alternatives, the possibility of working in the mines of Maio or Sal. Its exploitation began in the sixteenth century and continued into the twentieth century. At present the extraction has almost ceased. Cape Verde achieved independence in 1975, after granting independence to Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde who had political associations. The African Party for Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) took the government of both countries, and unification was much discussed. Aristides Maria Pereira was elected President of the nation and Pedro Pires Verono Prime Minister. Since then the role of migrant remittances in the national economy assumes greater importance. In the 80s, about 25% of the gross national product of Cape Verde derives from remittances from emigrants. In 1980 the party split and the African Party for Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV) and the two countries pursued separate development was renamed. In 1990 Prime Minister Pedro Pires formally initiates an "opening" policy, a deliberate move to open up the political process that would go to provide multiparty elections in Cape Verde. After the elections Wahnon Carlos Veiga, of the Movement for Democracy, was elected Prime Minister and Mascarenas Antonio Monteiro, former Chief Justice of Cape Verde is elected President. In 1993, US Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts, made the first official visit by a member of the United States Congress to Cape Verde. As a result of contacts made during this visit, a group of private representatives of the fishing industry in New Bedford, start dialogue with the government of Cape Verde to establish a parcería of fishing in West Africa. In 1995 a cholera epidemic affecting Cape Verde detected more than 10,000 cases and 210 deaths.

January 1 New Year's Day.
January 20 National Heroes Day.
May 1 Labor Day.
July 5 Independence Day.
August 15 Assumption Day.
November 1 All Saints' Day.
December 25 Christmas.
In Cape Verde multitude of festivals are held, but the dates vary each year. Highlights include the Carnival in the city of Mindelo, in February and the Bay of Gatas Festival in August, began as a celebration of local character and is gaining international recognition for the animation and the quality of the performances of the participants.
Almost the entire population of Cape Verde is engaged in subsistence agriculture, producing corn and fruit. The remittances is the main source of income, some 700,000 Cape Verdeans live abroad, mainly in the United States. Exports of fishing products cover less than 5% of imports. Portugal and the Netherlands provide half of the imported products. There is a small industry, factories processing and canning of fish and salt mining.
Per capita income: $ 1,040 USA.
The Cape Verdean Escudo = 100 cents
Tickets 100, 200, 500, 1,000 and 2,500 CVEsc.
Coins of 1, 2.5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 CVEsc. and 20 and 50 cents.
Euros, US Dollars, traveler's checks in US dollars: the major currencies are accepted.
Credit cards are not accepted, but is increasing with the increase in tourism. You should carry VISA, American Express and Master Card.
The most common, American Express, Visa, Master Card, etc. Friendly
Import and export of local currency is prohibited. Import of currency is limited; money declaration is required for entry and exit. The maximum acceptable currency export is 25,000 Cape Verde Escudos or the amount declared on arrival.
You can change currency at banks.
The climate is tropical with two seasons, dry, dry from November to July and August to October wet. The average annual temperature is around 25 degrees and the temperature differences never exceed 10 degrees. Virtually has 365 days of sunshine, since rainfall is scarce and rare.
Rains numerically reflect the average thereof, per month.
. Entries in costumes reflect the type of clothing to be used. These instructions are only indicative and should always be considered information that might have in relation to the climate of the area in the days before the trip, and the altitude of the places you plan to visit. The codes used indicate.
. V = Use summer wardrobe.
. T = Use summer clothes, but adapted to tropical conditions of strong sunlight and skin sweating. Light clothing pale or white colors, long sleeve and leg are recommended, recommending the use of protective headgear, sunglasses, and sunscreen use.

One hour less compared to Spain.
In Cape Verde there are daily markets. Stresses the Santa Catarina market on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Monday through Friday from 08:00 h. at 14:00 h.
Restaurants are mainly in hotels. Overall 08:00. at 14:00 h. and 18:00 h. at 23:00 h.
Generally Monday to Friday from 09:30 h. at 18:00 h., but there may be variations.
A valid passport and a tourist visa which can be obtained at the Consulate of Cape Verde in Spain or Sal airport on arrival in the islands is necessary.
The entry into Cape Verde can only take place through authorized border posts: Aeopuerto Francisco Mendes de Praia, Sal Amilcar Cabral Airport, Airport San Pedro de Sao Vicente, Port of Praia, Porto Grande in Mindelo, Sao Vicente and Puerto de Palmeiras Sal Island.
No special procedure for tourists staying for no more than 90 days.

No airport taxes.
Passengers over 18 years can only import and export freely reasonable amount of perfume.
No vaccine is mandatory, except in cases of epidemic. Every traveler who moves from Cape Verde to Senegal, must be vaccinated against yellow fever and have a vaccination card in order.
Recommended: Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A and B, Tetanus, Anti-malarial treatment.
On the island of Santiago there is a limited risk of malaria from September to November.
All pets need an official veterinary certificate from the country of origin, attesting to your good health. The dogs will also be accompanied by a certificate of vaccination against rabies.

Acceptable in the whole country. In all islands there are medical centers.
In Mindelo, San Vicente, is the Doctor Baptista de Sousa Hospital. Tf .: 311879/312404.
In Santiago Dr. Agostinho Neto, R. Martires Pidjiguiti. Hospital Praia. Tf .: 612142/612234. and the Hospital de Santa Catarina, Bolanha. Santa Catarina. Tf .: 651 130.
In Fogo is the Igreja-Mosteiros Hospital, Tf .: 831034/831047.
DRUGS:. The penalties provided for in the legislation of the Republic of Cape Verde, for the possession, purchase or drug use are:
a) mild Drugs: Up to 3 months imprisonment and a fine, which in the course of being paid brings a new month in jail.
b) Hard drugs: from 1 year to 20 years in prison, depending on the quantity and criminal records.
It is recommended to drink bottled water because the water in the country is not very good and you should be careful with ice in drinks.
Foreigners must pay for medical care. For this reason, travelers are advised to arrange the services of an insurance company to cover any medical expenses resulting from illness or accident and evacuation costs if it becomes necessary.
PHARMACIES (Purchase drugs):
In all the islands can be found pharmacies.
Pharmaceutical Limited Availability.
We recommend taking a medicine cabinet from Spain with analgesics, antibiotics, antiseptics, antiestamí-mechanics, antidiarréticos, insect repellent and soothing lotions against bites and allergies.
THE W.C. :
We recommend using the hotels and restaurants.
Cape Verde does not have a great craftsmanship, and this is mainly in the island of San Vicente, where you can find pottery, wood and ceramics at the National Arts Centre. Also include coconut shells carved by local artisans and pottery.
Any of the items listed above.
The items mentioned above are available in any of the markets that take place in different islands of Cape Verde.
You can also go to the following stores:
Boutique Bambinella, Av. Baltazar L. Silva. Mindelo. San Vicente.
Modissa, R. 65 African Unidade. Mindelo. San Vicente.
Boutique Tcherno Sany Sany area Barracao Velho. Santa Maria. Salt.
Soares, Fatima, R, Independence. Santa Maria. Salt.
Boutique Sofia, Premises IFH LT 23-r / c- Meio Achada St. Antonio. Praia. Santiago.
Boutique Nadissa, R5 Julho. Praia. Santiago.
Usually in the markets have to haggle. In stores prices are usually fixed.
The prices of some items are expensive.

Food: The cuisine of Cape Verde is one of the biggest attractions of the islands. Rich and varied, ranging from simple dishes to more elaborate preparation with meat, fish or shellfish enriched with vegetables and various fruits.
Restaurants are mainly in hotels. The main local culinary specialty is cachupa, a boiled corn and beans. The fruits include mangoes, bananas, papayas, guavas, zimbrão, tambarinas, marmelos, azedinhas, tamaras and coconuts. Drink: Beer, wine and local spirits are usually available; punch is also popular. Soft drinks are expensive.
Cachupa grelhajos pork with potatoes and meat and fish.
Tchassina kid salted meat eaten with the cachupa.
canja of
concinado chicken baked chicken with vegetables and served with spicy.
fish soup produced from all kind of fish that can be found on the island.
For dessert you must try: Coco cake, banana pudding, bread Granturca honey, jam sweet potato, sweet Fichi Verdi.
Can not find international cuisine.
Mangoes, bananas, papayas, guavas, zimbraos, tambarinas, marmelos, azediñas, tamaras and coconuts.
Beer, wine, punch and local spirits.
Bar restaurant "Fronteira". Achadinha meio. SANTIAGO.Tel: 2616536. Fax: 2612932
Café Pastelaria Lee - Ilione Macedo Pereira. Rua Plateau andrade crooked. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2612259
A Falésia - restaurant bar. Prainha. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2617776
Bar Ida Pinto Monteiro. Assomada. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2652854
Bar Restaurant Marconi. Achada Santo António. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2623441
Bar Restaurante Real Madrid. Fazenda. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2613342
Bar Esplanada "O Cometa". Achada St. António. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2622906
Restaurant Bar Esquina. Plateau. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2617546
Churrasqueira Chinda Veiga e Filhos, lda. São Domingos. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2681163
Silvina restaurant. Avenida da Liberdade, Assomada. SANTIAGO. Tel: 2651019/4880
Esplanada Bom Dia. Espartos. SALT. Tel: 2411400
Bar Restaurante Cretcheu. Santa Maria. SALT. Tel: 2421266
Branca Restaurant Lomba. Santa Maria. SALT. Tel: 2421516. Fax: 2421013
Restaurant Saturn. Madeiralzinho. SAO VICENTE. Tel: 2326550. Fax: 2327237
Estrela Café - Bar Restaurant. Rua Fernando Ferreira Fortes, 12. SAO VICENTE. Tel: 2315479
Paradise Bar Restaurant. High Peixinho-Porto Novo. Santo Antao. Tel: 2221218
Bar Restaurante Sereia. Porto Novo. Santo Antao. Tel: 2221131
Churrasqueira Ledera d'Sentíssima. Rua d'Horta, Ribeira Grande. Santo Antao.
Tel: 2215280. Fax: 2212698
Oasis Restaurant Bar. Rua 5 de Julho - Sal Rei. BOAVISTA. Tel: 2511344
Bar Restaurante Belita. Estancia Baixo. SÃO NICOLAU. Tel: 2354397
In Cape Verde offers all sorts of water sports including sailing, swimming, surfing, diving, fishing or surfing the trimaran, only boat in the world that allows an original and fun way. In hotels you can also play tennis and archery.
As for Nightlife there are several nightclubs and discos where modern music is combined with the sensuality of a Creole dance to the rhythm of Morna, one Mazurca a Batuko, the Coladeira or Funaná.
Among the clubs of the islands are:
Pimm's Disco 10 R. Senator Vera Cruz. Mindelo. San Vicente.
Hi-Step Nightclub, 98 Fonte Ines. Mindelo. San Vicente.
S 'Rrenegra- Disco, Big Ribeira. San Antonio.
Disco Prisma, R. Capela-Achada St. Antonio. Praia. Santiago.
Doce Vita, R. Serpa Pinto. Praia. Santiago.
Nós Morna (Pub), Achada St. Antonio. Praia. Santiago.
Exagunal, St. Filipe. Fogo. Tf .: 810 820
On the island of Sal is the Amilcar Cabral (SID) International Airport. There are eight airports in the different islands. The national airline Air Transport of Cape Verde (TACV) fly in combination with TAP Air Portugal. There are internal flights between all the islands except Brava.
The main port is Mindelo. A San Vicente arriving passenger ships and cargo. There is also a port in Praia. There is a regular ferry service that connects all the islands.
Buses on the islands are satisfactory.
There are over 2,250 Km. Of paved roads.

Driving is on the right.
It must have international driving license although it is not legally required.
RENTAL CARS (which we recommend booking in advance):
Cars can be rented in San Vicente, Sal, Santiago.
The islands have taxis but you should agree the fare with the driver before boarding the taxi.
220v. at 50Hz.
The islands have around 18,700 phones. Some calls to and from Cape Verde must still go through the international operator.
The Spanish mobile phones can be used in Cabo Verde provided before leaving has asked the phone company authorized to make calls when roaming
34 plus the prefix of the relevant province, plus the phone number.
On the islands there are two weeklies, two quarterly cultural magazine and a monthly newspaper. The chain is the TCNV national television address, National Television of Cape Verde. The radio station is the RNCV, Radio Nacional de Cabo Verde.
On every island there is no security problem. All areas can be visited without any problem.
The Spanish Embassy in Cape Verde has its Chancery at the Embassy of Spain in Dakar.
Embassy of Spain in Dakar - Senegal
Nelson Mandela Avenue 18-20
PO Box 2091
Dakar - Senegal
Tel: 821 3081 - 821 1178 - 823 9137
Fax: 821 6845 - 842 3684
Spain has honorary diplomatic representation in Cape Verde two ciudadades: Praia and Mindelo.
Both dependenden Embassy in Dakar.
Honorary Consulate in Praia.
Foreign Ministry: C.P. 41-A.- Praia (Santiago)
Phone: 61 76 58
Fax and direct: 61 76 59
Honorary vice-consulate in Mindelo.
Foreign Ministry: C.P. 38. Mindelo (San Vicente)
Phone: 32 44 92 and 31 33 39
Fax: 31 42 71 and 31 37 83
Telex INTERVASE - (0993) -3084.

C.P. 294
Praia (Santiago)
08:00 h. at 12:30 h. and 14:30 h. at 18:00. Monday through Friday.

This island is one of the closest to the African continent and is therefore subject to its climatic influence and the Sahel, its aridity and erosion. It is also the flattest island, in fact called Llana Island and was the last inhabited, since the natural salt that formed in an ancient crater Pedra do Lume, attracted the attention of the British an important trading salt and began an inner emigration especially on the island of St. Nicholas. Today the operation is over and the salt are used by islanders and iodine baths, and is the most picturesque small Sal, who does not have much more to teach on land. Other places to visit include Algadoeria, Fontona, pouf, Danfior, Calheta Funda and Buracona, a natural pool with water constantly renewed. What is this island offers the entire range of sun, sand and sea at its most basic, and the most sophisticated of considerable interest to the nautical hobbies, Sal is famous for its long beaches, trade winds that surfers appreciate internationally as well as providing an interesting meeting point for divers, an important coral reef, with the encouragement of many sunken ships, from the time of pirates and treasure.
SANTIAGO (Sao Tiago):
It is the largest island in the archipelago of 991 km2 and the most populated. It is the most African island of Cape Verde, where the predominant color black. The scenery is spectacular mountains sharp edges that drain its aspects to distant valleys, houses and villages scattered and perched on mountain tops, a rugged coastline of black reefs, interrupted by small sandy beaches, etc. Here is the capital, Praia. The city center is called the Plateau, where the market's office, the president's house and the Ethnological Museum, the only museum in Cape Verde. On the island you will also find the city of Ribeira Grande or Cidade Velha, the first city that the Portuguese had in Africa. Here the fortress of San Filipe to protect the ongoing looting and destruction rose. It was destroyed but in the 60s was restored. Since she Cidade Velha dominates with its cathedral which was also destroyed and is being rebuilt. In the square you can see the pillar called "Pelorinho" where publicly punished the slaves. Tarrafal area is Assomada, near the peak Antonia, the highest of the island, where you can visit the municipal market point. In Ribeira da Barca can be visited by boat, the cave "Águas Bella" which is distinguished by the curious phenomenon of having a beach inside. Already in Tarrafal you can visit its beautiful beach and the old Prison Policy.
This island is large and mountainous more than others, with a dry, hard look. For many it is the Cape Verdean island due to its great miscegenation. The call "Brazil Cape Verde". Here is the city of Mindelo, the Creole and Caribbean archipelago. In the city you can visit the Fortim do rei, from where you can see the whole city. You can also visit the Palacio de Povo, Craft Centre with beautiful and huge tapestries and "batiks" other colonial buildings, fish market, the boardwalk with sculptures of barados and oxidized in the bay and the market boats. Mindelo has the musical fame, with many shows, Caesarea Evora began singing his "mornas" in the bars of Mindelo. The rest of the island is very dry, but spectacular, rugged and lunar landscapes. It also has a long, lonely beaches of fine, black or white, quiet sand as Gatas Bay, a huge natural pool surrounded by an unusual and beautiful landscape, or more agitated as San Pedro. Interior Landscapes host numerous almost green oasis, which stands upright silhouette of a windmill used to extract water from the well that feeds the soil. It touring the island from west to east and crossing entry goes behind two extinct volcanoes, Mount Calhau is reached. Making a small deviation can also visit the Grotto of Topim.
This is the westernmost island of the archipelago and the rainiest why is the greenest and one of the most beautiful and least visited tourist. Its peaks welcome fir forests and eucalyptus unthinkable to find on the other islands. Its abundance of water makes her fertile, capable of nurturing plants trees and amazing land. Although this island is agricultural, landscape of the west side presents a lunar dryness. Amid all the island there is a mountain range, very rugged north to south, culminating in Da Coroa Tope, 1,979 meters high, being a relatively recent volcanic peak. Other peaks of the island are the Pico Da Cruz, of 1814 meters, northeast and Guido de Cavaleiro, of 1,811 meters, to the southeast.
The island is known as the "Island of the dunes" and noted for its underwater riches and its small population. It is also one of the most pristine and spectacular islands, sandy white, very long and lonely sand, are one of the biggest attractions of the island for visitors. In its volcanic interior, there are small towns and villages: Joao Galego, Fundo das Figueiras, Cabaça two Tarrafes, Povaçao Velha ... Walking through Chave get to Rabil, which in the past was the most important town of the island. It is difficult to find places to stay, but the hospitality of Verdi always out to find shelter in a particular house Sal Rei, the capital of the island.
It is an island with a strong tradition. All say that welcomes more open, communicative and hospitable population with visitors. It has excellent conditions for underwater fishing, but its infrastructure is rather precarious. His landscapes are volcanic force, still seen in Monte Gordo, the highest peak 1304 meters. To get in touch with nature can choose from mountainous areas which offer fantastic views over the archipelago and Tarrafal, beach area that is gaining worldwide fame for its healing properties of black sand against rheumatism and arthritis. A beautiful route to go is Ribeira Brava, for its architecture and symbolism, evident in the parish church, the Seminar-Lyceum and the square where the bust of Dr. Julio José Dias, health and welfare of the whole island rises. A 16 Km. Of Ribeira Brava is the Port of Preguiça an interesting place to appreciate the landscape, particularly the Caldeira volcano. In Ribeira da Prata is the Written Rock of unknown origin, with hardly decipherable characters which some attribute to the first visitor to the island and other pirates.
The island is famous for its huge volcano, Cha das Caldeiras, a perfect cone of almost 2850 meters in height that has erupted many times. From the peak of the volcano can be seen vegetation Monte Velho, magnificent natural park which contrasts with the arid aspect of the island. The landscapes of the island offer quiet walks, watching the natural contrasts of the land and enjoying the warmth of its people. Built on a cliff is San Felipe, which has preserved the nostalgic colonial charm in its streets and houses. Other places to visit include the Cave of Mosteiros, with 3 craters, the small chapel of Nuestra Señora del Socorro, the church of S. Lourenço and Ponta Verde, 18 Km. From San Felipe and Salinas de S. Jorge, north S. Felipe, where a magnificent beach of black sand.
Known as the "Island of Flowers" is the smallest of the archipelago. Here the people of Nova Sintra, considered the most beautiful village of Cabo Verde for the design of its streets, its typical and its numerous gardens filled with bungavilllas, jacarandas and jasmine houses is. Nearby City visitors can see the Fonte Vinegar, water rich in bicarbonate which is used to irrigate crops. For the highest vesante get to Nossa Senhora do Monte, from where you can see all Nova Sintra, crops and sea. The island also is the small village Faja d'Agua, located in a bay at the foot of a mountain. Beautiful beach welcomes visitors. A trail leads to the top of the mountain. By the way you can admire the vegetation and landscape Faja d'Agua. Returning is required to stop at Sorno, located in a small bay extremely picturesque. From along the coast emerges a small rocky peak that looks like a small volcano. From Nova Sintra is reached Furna, a small fishing port situated in a small bay. Continuing the journey cop and Mato Grande can relax admiring the beautiful scenery.
This island located to the south of Buenavista and east of Santiago has 269 Km2. The highest point is Mount Penoso, 436 meters high. Thanks to its climatic conditions, has an important, the largest forest park of Cabo Verde. On the island you can admire a fort built in the eighteenth century to defend the island against pirates. The salt, remarkable for its size, is surrounded by vegetation type which dominate alófila "Murraça" and "Salsola Soda". Calheta de Baixo is an area of rocks and white sand after which you get to the village of Morrinho from where you can admire a salt which lies 1200 meters from the beach. Santana Bay rocky and desert semicircular beach where you can see turtles on the island is. Other beaches are Maio Porto Bay, Cais and Real Praia Bay. A 6 or 7 Km. De Maio is the city of Figueira da Horta. The landscape is desert but in an unusual beauty. During the trip you can see the "Correideira Cursorius Cursor", a bird species adapted to the desert climate that can withstand long periods without water.
The people of Cape Verde are friendly and hospitable, to which the absence of an indigenous culture has encouraged the development of some original and customs, in which the Portuguese language and uses intermingle with the practices of African origin who retain their animistic beliefs and traditions.

It often leaves a small amount of tip if you are happy with the service received.
It is recommended to wear all photographic material from Spain.
Police Santiago: 61.36.37
Police Sao Vicente: 31.46.31
Police Boa Vista: 51.11.32
Police Brava: 85.11.32
Police Fogo: 81.11.32
Police Sao Nicilau: 35.11.32
Police Sal: 41.11.32
Police Sao Antao: 21.11.32

This information is purely informational purposes, not part of any contract or loose travel services and therefore neither the travel agency nor the legal owners of the copyright are responsible for the accuracy of the data at the time in the Traveller (client) uses them as the only control is established and its veracity possible at the time of its preparation and annual review why the Travel agency owners and Computer Program Copyright disclaim any liability either for errors, omissions, or changes in the information provided here.
Cape Verde: An archipelago that is beginning to wake up
A destination for all
Introduction Cape Verde VerdeCabo is a small country whose capital is Praia on the island of Santiago who is independent of Portuguese colonialism in 1975 but still retains its heritage. As many countries were European countries colony possesses that rare blend of African roots and European rulers manifested in their culture, their traditions, their language, racial miscegenation ...

This archipelago located off the coast of Senegal in the Atlantic Ocean, is made up of many islands: Santiago and San Vicente are the most important, the others are San Antonio, Buena Vista, Fire, San Nicolas, Mayo, Sal, Brava and Santa Lucía which is uninhabited, (Ilha de S.Antao, Ilha de S.Vicente, Ilha de S.Nicolau, Ilha do Sal, Boavista Ilha, Ilha do Maio, Ilha de Santiago, Ilha da Ilha do Fogo and Brava) used to be during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the largest slave-trading center in Portugal and was a definite high for all the ships before crossing the Atlantic to the New World colonies.

Each island is a journey in itself by the diversity of natural and urban landscapes and is a destination for everyone because it is possible to "do nothing" or do "everything" in these captivating islands.

There are places where they have landed the big companies of scheduled sightseeing but also remain untouched places where you can do and discover as our way of feeling the holiday: hiking, adventure tourism, ecotourism, contact with the inhabitants ...

The bonhomie of the Cape Verdeans and their special sense of time do we also have to learn to live at your pace and take it easy transportation disorders that exist in the archipelago. It is not unusual to think taking a boat across to another island about an hour and the game takes place ... at any time, the same "lateness" case of air ... and many places do not offer directly public transport service.
You reach Cape Verde plane from many cities in the world, all the islands have an airport but international most important are Sal (Amilcar Cabral International Airport), located 2 Km., 5 minutes from the town of Espargos and 20 minutes city of Santa Maria, Sal island; the Praia on the island of Santiago and Mindelo on the island of San Vicente.

All the islands have airport (less the island of San Antonio so only you can access it by boat from the island of San Vicente 1 hour ferry- and Brava island that is reached by boat from the island Fuego) and domestic flights are carried out by the state line (TACV) that during the high season or in times of festivals or events see overwhelmed their capacity.
Many flights arrive from Dakar, Senegal and essentially no economic flights from several cities in Germany.
Transportation from the airport to the hotel is done by taxi and are quite expensive.
The shuttle on each island is somewhat chaotic but in the end're on vacation! it is best to hire a particular service to take us as we please and not rely on traditional services. Renting or four-wheel drive cars just beginning to develop in, and Fire Sal, San Vicente Santiago islands but it is doable always find a vehicle available.

Cape Verde offers accommodation possibilities according to our budget and our lifestyle or living the holidays, however differs from place to place. In some places find major hotels and the possibility of leasing houses or apartments but others find only modest pensions why we see the accommodations offered by centers of interest in a particular way.

Recall also that by its latitude Cape Verde has a tropical climate with two seasons constant heat and differentiated by the rains, "dry season" between November and July and "rainy season" between August and October, on the heights of the interior is cooler during night.

A little paradise off the coast of Africa that many compare to the Caribbean for its sandy beaches and warm waters. One of the best beaches of the continent are here: Santa Maria, Sal Island Settle in and let cool breezes caress you and refresh the tropical sun.. An ideal destination for scuba divers.

On the island of Santiago is the capital, Cidade da Praia, Cape Verde where you will discover the true spirit. If you prefer history, west of Praia find Cidade Velha (Ribeira Grande), the ruined capital of colonial times which is a World Heritage Site.

It will be on the island of Boavista where you get to the old town of Sal Rei, with top quality beaches. Ora recommended option is to visit the desert island of Maio, with its secluded beaches, or enjoy the tropical flora of the island Brava.

A trip to Cape Verde is an adventure between islands. Do you you're going to lose?
Cape Verde Islands
Located in the Atlantic Ocean are the islands of Cape Verde a little paradise fully discovered.
With an area of 4,033 square kilometers consists of ten volcanic islands and five islets.
The islands (according to their position on the wind) are divided into two groups: Windward and Leeward.
The Windward Islands are formed by: Boa Vista, Sal, Santo Antao, Sao Nicolau, Sao Vicente and Santa Luzia (uninhabited).
The Leeward Islands are formed by: Fogo, Brava, Maio, Santiago.

With a dry temperate tropical climate Saharan and low rainfall, Cape Verde has a temperature at which we could describe as perfect as it ranges from 20 ° C in winter and 25 ° C in summer, with an annual average of 24 ° C.
Despite low rainfall, the time of these are from August to October, being the dry season between the months of November to July.
You need to know that despite being a relatively new tourist place, we will be amazed what in this paradise we will find. More African islands (Santiago) and most European islands (Sao Vicente) all flavored nostalgia and Cape Verdean rhythms.

In this paradise full of contrasts, where pristine beaches mixed with other white sand, beautiful cliffs plains, where volcanoes sometimes seem to emerge from the abyss to show all its beauty, visitors will enjoy endless possibilities when to enjoy an unforgettable journey where you will enjoy hobbies such as diving, hiking, fishing, windsurfing or just go to the beach.

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