lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Visit North Korea

In1953 the ancient and legendary Koryo just disappeared off the face of the earth with the signing of an armistice desquebrajaba the peninsula by the 38th parallel, drawing on its surface a scar called "demilitarized zone" which is paradoxically the most militarized place in the world and divided Korea into two distinct political entities, a popular and communist north Korea (with its capital in Pyongyang), and a democratic and capitalist south Korea (with capital in Seoul).

Koryo has seen the birthplace of one of the most impressive civilizations of East Asia, straddling two great civilizations such as the Chinese and Japanese, Korean culture has been characterized by suspicion maintain its political and cultural autonomy from their neighbors. When the Spanish Gregorio Céspedes, became the first Westerner to reach this corner of the world in 1593, it was found that, despite the constant Mongolian, Japanese and Manchu invasions Koryo enjoyed a formidable cultural, social, artistic development, architectural and economic, in addition to its own alphabet, all elements which differentiate it from other neighboring civilizations. However, this enigmatic peninsula was the victim of geopolitical events of the twentieth century, first with the Japanese invasion and occupation, and then with the tensions of the Cold War that would lead to a civil war internationally oriented and foreign participation, which would end with the division of the country.

Korean Reunification Monument
Focusing on North Korea, the northern half of the now defunct Koryo adopted its own system of communist theory, based on the Juche philosophy. This philosophy is the ideological basis of North Korea and is attributed to the father of this popular republic, Kim Il Sung. Some foundations of this philosophy are "political independence, economic self-sufficiency and military self-defense" or that "the party and the people are the masters of the country's revolution." It was from this point that the political, social, economic and artistic system that currently defines North Korea differs in many ways from the rest of the world, to give an example was built, have their own calendar in which the first year coincides with the birth of Kim Il Sung (the Juche calendar), or three different currencies (as they are intended for local, foreign from socialist countries or other foreign) or limited number of stores which foreigners can purchase products and souvenirs, or the fact that absolutely all North Koreans wear a pin with the image of the founders of this republic on his shirt (they can only take the North Koreans and sometimes some foreign as well deem the authorities), and the absence of commercial advertising, among others.
North Korea posters, propaganda communist-Juche
That said, I proceed to tell my travel experience in North Korea:

Practical information for traveling to North Korea. Conduct Guidelines


Until recently, it was forbidden to have phones in the country by tourists, so both the mobile and the passport is only delivered to the airport to be returned at the end of the visit to North Korea at the airport. While yes it is currently allowed to carry mobile phones pre-registration and buying local SIM cards whose price per minute is about 4 euros. However, since no phones hotels from which you can call anywhere in the world, while the price of the call is very high.

Internet in North Korea

Internet use is very restricted and can only be used in certain hotels, at a high price and very limited applications like sending an email that sometimes the e-mails are read in front of you by a hotel worker (the only place where tourists can access the Internet)


To shop for tourists, widespread currency is the euro or the dollar, although the supply of products is very limited, being almost always the same in all stores nationwide oriented abroad. Payment by credit card is not allowed

Photos in North Korea
Photos in North Korea
- In some areas there are restrictions on taking photos, so follow the guide's instructions.

Guides to visit North Korea

It is very important to follow the guides who accompany him at all times and not leave the hotel under any circumstances, more than one company.

During the visit is accompanied by two guides and a driver. One of the guides usually functions as a tour guide, and other support (which according to some travel agencies is a security guard). Regarding our experience, our tour guide was a charm and formidable (though the poor did not like much the Spanish tradition of dinner late because of late arrival home with his family when we were in Pyongyang), and the group was very happy and satisfied with it for their hard work, dedication and treatment, not with the accompanying support, although admittedly the latter struggled his way.

Worship Leader
Worship Leader, North Korea
Adoración al Lider, Corea del Norte

Worship Leader, North Korea
In this country the worship leaders goes beyond possible a priori understanding of foreign tourists, which is why it is extremely important not to fall into misunderstandings and avoid undesirable problems during our visit, be respectful of their leaders. In this sense, and avoid any acts that objectively may offend the sensibilities of citizens and local authorities need not turn its back in no time at his figures at the time of the offerings that are made along the tours, to take pictures of the statues or pictures, make them straight (preferably vertical) without cutting any part of the body. If multiple representations appear together, taking pictures of all of them and not just one, ignoring the rest.

If you have a guide or book where the image of one of their leaders appear, it is important not appear inclined, if not right, and that no objects placed upon these images or be very careful that they do not wrinkle, one tourists had problems because I had an official tourist guide to North Korea in which one of the statues of leaders appeared printed slightly tilted and the coordinator guide him aright him that this was not acceptable and would leave a written record of this fact to authorities. How have repeatedly expressed the North Korean authorities, the figure of the leader is that of a father who revere. It is a Confucian conception of respect that sometimes can surprise the foreign tourist but it is very important to consider for anyone wishing to travel to North Korea.

Gastronomy North Korea, Clams with Gasoline

- Meals are usually all kinds of vegetables, soup and rice. Except for a couple of occasions where we offered meat (one day barbecue and another day in Pyongyang), the other days the food is usually the same. Another day we offered a famous dish called "clams to gasoline," which is simply to put the clams on a sill stone (3euros per person, and only possible sometimes, in our case we did at the insistence of one group), gasoline and spray them directly on the palate. Personally I did not try, but there was one group that was way up and said they were GONE ...


They are not mandatory but is recommended to be vaccinated against tetanus and polio and depending on the areas you visit and seasons, also diphtheria, typhoid and hepatitis A and B vaccination certificate is required for yellow fever for those foreigners from countries with risk of CHD. Moreover recommend always drink bottled water and avoid undercooked food.

Is it safe to travel to North Korea?

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