lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Visit Costa Rica

Information about Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a special jewel of Central America. This beautiful country is famous for being an oasis of calm among its turbulent neighbors. But Costa Rica offers much more than economic, political and social stability: the natural wonders of the country, wildlife and reputation for focusing on the conservation of biodiversity attract tourists from all over the world. The efforts of their governments has kept the country's image as a haven of ecotourism, making Costa Rica one of the best places to experience the natural beauty of the tropics with minimal environmental impact.

Full name: Republic of Costa Rica
Area: 51,100 km² (19,929 mi2)
Population: 3.8 million
Capital: San José (pop 340,000.)
Population: 96% of Spanish origin, 2% of origin
African, 1% Amerindian origin,
1% of Chinese origin
Religion: 85% Catholic, 14% Protestant
Government: Democratic
Time: GMT / UTC least 6 houras
Electricity: 110V, 60 Hz
Weights / Measures: Metric
Major industries: tourism, electronics, coffee, bananas,
sugar, food processing, textiles and clothing, construction materials, fertilizer, plastic products
Major trading partners: USA, Germany,
Italy, Japan, Guatemala, Mexico

Requirements for visa:
The visa requirements for Costa Rica change rapidly, so it is advisable to consult your consulate before travel. Currently citizens of the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Japan, Panama, Romania, South Korea, Uruguay, UK, France and most other Western European countries do not need a visa for a stay of 90 days. Citizens of Australia, Ireland, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Vatican City and most of Eastern Europe and Latin America can stay 30 days without a visa. If you need a visa, it will cost approximately $ 20 in a Costa Rican consulate.

Tourists are encouraged to use the same level of caution as they would in any major city or tourist area worldwide. Travellers should avoid those urban areas known to have high crime rates and abandoned properties or undeveloped places. Should also be accompanied and avoid responding to any kind of verbal harassment. It is also important to note that the areas popular with foreign tourists are also common places for criminal activity.
There is no vaccination required for travel to Costa Rica, although in some provinces there is a risk of malaria according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Diseases, whose

A walking tour full of natural treasures of Costa Rica: Tortuguero, instead of nesting green turtles, the Arenal Volcano with its hot springs, Monteverde with its hanging bridges and habitat of the quetzal and the tropical forest with white sand beaches of Manuel Antonio.
Day 1 Spain / San Jose

Departure flight to San Jose, capital of Costa Rica. Accommodation.
Day 2 San José / Tortuguero National Park

Full board. We left very early to Tortuguero National Park. Breakfast typical route. Follow road to the pier, where we will cruise boat about 2 hours to get to our hostel. Lunch. In the afternoon visit the village of Tortuguero. Dinner Party.
Day 3 Tortuguero National Park

Full board. After breakfast, enjoy a tour of the paths of the hotel. Lunch. Afternoon boat explore the incredible set of natural channels offered this national park. Dinner Party.
Day 4 Tortuguero / Arenal Volcano National Park

Half pension. Departure to Guápiles, where we had lunch en route. Continue to the Arenal Volcano.
Day 5 Arenal Volcano

Breakfast. Free day to enjoy the Arenal Volcano.
Day 6 Volcano Arenal / Monteverde Biological Reserve

Breakfast. Departure to the wonderful area of ​​Monteverde.
Day 7 Monteverde Biological Reserve

Breakfast. Day off. In this book are more than 2,500 species of plants, including 420 varieties of orchids.
Day 8 R. B. Monteverde / Manuel Antonio National Park

Breakfast. Departure to Manuel Antonio area. The park boasts white sand and green vegetation.
9 and 10 Manuel Antonio National Park


Breakfast. Available free days. The park has white sand beaches, cliffs, rivers, forests and varied fauna.
Day 11 Manuel Antonio National Park / San Jose

Breakfast. Free morning. At the proper time, drive to San José.
Day 12 San Jose / Spain

Breakfast. Departure flight back to Spain. Overnight on board.
Day 13 Spain

Extension P. N. Corcovado

Departures: Daily.
Day 11 P. N. Manuel Antonio / P. N. of Corcovado

Breakfast. Departure to the airport for the flight from Quepos to Palmar Sur. Arrival, then to the Sierpe River and boat transfer to Casa Corcovado Lodge. Dinner at the lodge.
Day 12 P. N. Corcovado

Full board. Departure by boat to San Pedrillo Biological Station. . Picnic lunch on the beach. In the afternoon return to the lodge and dinner.
Day 13 P. N. Corcovado

Full board. We ventured into 1 hour journey by boat to Caño Island. Here the guide will take you to the indigenous remains. Picnic lunch on the beach. Afternoon free to swim or dive among the coral and fish. Dinner at the lodge.
Day 14 P. N. Corcovado / San José

Breakfast. Return to the airport for the flight back to San Jose.
Day 15 San Jose / Spain

Breakfast. Departure flight back to Spain. Overnight on board.
Day 16 Spain


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