miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015

Vist Australia


Austria: Empresses, monuments, opera and waltz
A monumental architecture and quality of rural life
Introduction Austria A monumental architecture and quality of rural life, this central European country that evokes much majestic statues, other classical music, fairytale castles and wonderful scenery constantly receives thousands of tourists who adore the famous cafes Vienna, social center for excellence and exported to the world.

The capital of Austria was for seven centuries seat of the Habsburgs and is proud to be one of the most beautiful capitals of the world with a sublime cultural heritage that tells us about its resplendent past.
However receive thousands of tourists, almost daily, Vienna tends to isolation and stay conservative. The city seems frozen in time as its most important cities: Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck but outside urban centers are modern buildings and see that Austria is not, for some things, outside the global world.

Air travel to Austria is the fastest means of transport. Its main airport is in Vienna, however, there are international flights arriving in other cities. Many companies that offer low-cost arriving in Austria and other flights arrive to nearby towns in Slovakia where addressed to Austria offers no problem.

All airports in Austria are connected with the centers of the nearest cities through all means of transport.

If you prefer to make the trip to Austria by train is preferable to perform the overnight trip as the journey is quite long and we know that in many cases it is more economical than the plane but not in others. Rail travel to Austria has its delights that cross very beautiful landscapes but also a journey that takes us a day and a half of our vacation. It is obviously not recommended for a romantic getaway.
Bus travel is possible from many cities in Europe but we find the same problem with time factor, the rugged terrain of central Europe, makes the trip is quite long.
Making the trip to Austria by car may be gratifying to know other places, take photos along the way but can become an experience to show patience. We make many stops along the way and the mountain roads are not for everyone.

To travel on the highways of Austria is mandatory wafer on the windshield. They can be purchased at the time of our vacation at gas stations, post offices and customs border.

Austria offers all sorts of accommodation according to our preferences and our budget. The hotels are quite expensive in all categories but so cheap is comfortable and offers competent services. Prices generally are per person and include breakfast.

The "Gasthof and Gasthaus" offer very good service at various prices (from 45 to 110 € for two people) are very clean and warm facilities.
The guesthouses are inexpensive, small and mostly are installed on the upper floors of private homes in the cities.

Staying in private homes is possible in this country, people offering rooms for rent placed a sign saying "Zimmer frei". Their prices vary between 40 and 70 €, breakfast is included in the price and is usually copious and varied (as in many other accommodations in Austria considered the minimum two nights accommodation, if we only stay one night we certainly pay a small supplement). The tourist offices have a list of "Privatzimmer" and some office employees make the reservation for us.

Rural holidays are a style property increasingly developed in rural areas of Austria, many cabins and farms engaged in production offer place to stay. They are a bit rustic but absolutely ecological landscapes are dreamy, the warmth of the people is assured and is a way to spend a quite relaxing holiday away from it all and if we go with kids, they will enjoy a lot from this experience. It's a reasonably priced option. The tourist offices have all the information of rural accommodation, there is even a private network.
During the summer months the dorms rent rooms to tourists for short periods, are called: "Sommer Hotels" or "Saison Hotels" generally are available between July 1 and September 30. They are very clean and comfortable but not very economical.
No age limit but with mandatory membership, Youth Hostels in Austria offer the service of international reserves, by phone or online. It has almost a hundred shelters scattered throughout the country, not all offer the same amenities but overall many have rooms with private bathroom.

The campground is well developed in this country, are cars and caravans and there is an official body that oversees the "Osterreichischer Camping Club". They are a bit expensive, 15 to € 25 per night for tent, car and two people.
With almost constant sunshine, Australia is a country of endless beaches, cosmopolitan cities and, above all, miles and miles of plains with no signs of civilization. Beaches, tropical forests and deserts are dsposición for individual enjoyment with just a little luck.

One of the attractions of the country is undoubtedly the feeling of space. In the world where most of the population is concentrated on the coast largest island, while the vast interior is mostly empty. Australia is full of spectacular scenery in its vast territory, from barren deserts to tropical jungles and mountain ranges.

La, although native, is well known Australian fauna, especially the famous koalas and kangaroos, and wallabies, dingoes or emus (like an ostrich, but smaller). No less famous is Mount Uluru (formerly Ayers Rock), the largest monolith in the world, whose image in red and orange because the reflected sunlight is one of the icons of the country.

As for their cities, Sydney is very cosmopolitan while Melbourne has a reputation for intellectual and bohemian; Brisbane is the perfect starting point to visit later the tropical northern heading; Adelaide, calm and traditional, contrasts with the carefree and youthful atmosphere of Perth on the west coast; finally Cairns in the north, is the obligatory stop before visiting the stunning Great Barrier Reef, the coral reef largest planet.
What to see and do in Australia
Top things to do
Flinders Rangers
Many tourists traveling Australia never get to step on the south of the island, which makes the visit to the mountains of Flinders Ranges even more special. The mountain range is located in the natural park of the same name, dotted with towns and cities where little or nothing has changed in years, and where you can also find true Australian character. However, if you want a little more action, the beautiful city of Adelaide is only 200 km.

Gibb River Road
If you are looking for a road trip full of adventure, there are few options as good as this road 600 km crossing Kimberley. It is not only famous for its views, but by the harshness of the track, which can not be anything more than a four-wheeled vehicle. There is a shorter at the end of the west side of the road itinerary.

Great Barera Reef (Great Barrier Reef)
On the east coast Australians meet many of the main attractions of Australia, from some of the most famous beaches in the world for surfing, to the incredible Fraser Island, a natural paradise. However, the Great Barrier Reef is a must visit. They have no less than 2,300 km in length, and the most common way to approach it in a boat trip bound for the Whitsunday Islands.

Great Ocean Road
The road, about 250 km, runs through one of the best coastal areas in the world for surfing. It can be taken very easily from Melbourne and do it in two days if you have a bit rushed, or take as much time as you can and enjoy the wonderful beaches that you'll encounter along the way.
Kakadu National Park
With a strong meaning of spirituality for indigenous Australians, Kakadu National Park offers 22,000 km of unspoilt nature with a variety of animals (kangaroos and wallabies, of course, but also crocodiles, frogs, and birds) and plants, and a vast Aboriginal collection of ancient art painted on rocks.

Melbourne is, for many, the perfect city. In its streets you can enjoy a perfect blend of Victorian architecture and avant-garde buildings designed by famous architects. The city is also a paradise for lovers of good food, music (has important festivals) and nature. A month in Melbourne, and never want to leave.

The largest city on the west coast has, in principle, the admiration that may have Sydney or Melbourne. However, Perth is gradually gaining popularity. If you have enough time to explore its parks, beaches and urban culture, much quieter than their more famous counterparts, you will find is a city with much to offer. Furthermore, in the vicinity are lots of vineyards and small towns full of charm.

La, famous for its beaches, surf, good restaurants and a hedonistic culture, most visited city in Australia simply because they can afford. Good weather and the sea do the rest. Visitors and natives compete for extol the excellence of Sydney, which is not very difficult to understand.

The people of Tasmania, without large doses of good humor, refer to the island of Australia as "the North Island ', as if the two islands were almost the same size. In fact, the island of Tasmania is tiny if compared to her older sister, but no less interesting. Lakes, waterfalls, rivers, mountains fall within the menu that Tasmania has to offer, without forgetting its capital, Hobart, an attractive town with lots of atmosphere.

Uluru, is perhaps the most famous image of Australia after kangaroos. This huge rock out in most of the photographs with a characteristic reddish when the sun sets, and is the natural monument par excellence of the country. Getting there is an adventure, as it is south of Northern Territory, right in the center of Australia. However, the trip worthwhile. From there you can also visit Kata Tjuta, another impressive set of huge rocks.

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